Thursday, April 7, 2011

Somethings bound to go wrong cause I feeling way too damn good...

Today was a good day. No major problems. My mother had cataract surgery, and she did great.  We had a peer review at work and it went well. My maintenance guys went to a training, and enjoyed it. Life was good.....and bad.  The old feeling we all often get that somethings about to go wrong, because things can't be that good. The truth of the matter, there are usually good and bad things happening to us all the time on a daily basis.  It usually depends on which one we are giving more attention to. Yes, I had a good day, but if I wanted to think about it hard enough,I would remember that I have 3 people in my life that are battling cancer actively right now, and it doesn't get much worse than that. As the saying goes, we are the makers of our own destiny, so it stands to reason that on a smaller scale we are the makers of the days that compile that destiny. So today, I choose to look at it as a good day, and push the bad to the back burner to lead the way on another day. The choice is ours to make on a daily basis, and we might have more better days if we conscientiously choose to predispose ourselves to the positive. This might help us to enjoy the good, everyday and find the strength to deal with the bad. The yin and yang is ever present in our daily lives and that will never change, the only real change possible is how we face the cards we are dealt, with balance, good and bad, letting neither consume us. And if the scale tips to one side or the other, let us remember tomorrow will bring us a new day to balance and life is always best handled somewhere in the middle.
                                                                  We balance the scale

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