Monday, May 16, 2011

We are overthinking America

At some point America put on their "Thinking Caps" and we forgot to take them off.  What do I mean by that?
We think to much about everything.  The "what if's" have become a non-ending infinity chain that has driven America to a Nannie state on steroids. We have taken our inner voice of caution and turned it into a ravenous monster that cannot be satisfied until we have the entire nation wrapped in bubble wrap and we never leave our homes. Bad things happen, and people learn from their mistakes. We have made the consequences out way the actions by a trillion times.  We have made the actions and opinions of the few control the many. If you are overweight and on welfare no sweats or soda for you.Never mind that you are the only fat person in a house of 6 people. If we want to commit death by donuts it should be our choice. And how about zero tolerance, being a stupid kid has never had such harsh consequences.   We are on board with the government micromanaging the thoughts and actions of the people, but we allow them to operate without control or consequences. Can we ever get back to a life of simplicity where when we make a stupid mistake it doesn't turn into a life changing consequence that haunts us forever?  I sure hope so, for my kids and their future kids and on and on........ Here's to a life where playing Cowboys and Indians means nothing more than your just playing and nobody gets in trouble for playing with a pretend gun, or calling someone an Indian, well you get the point.


  1. Congrats on keeping your blog active. (Hurray!)
    writing just one thing a day is essential in every way.
    I find it really helps prepare me for the day.
    or make stressful things feel more okay.

    I find that I need not always write an essay.
    and I should write for me and not for they.
    the most powerful motivator is seeing progress underway.
    when you hold your old work to new in a personal survey.

  2. Thanks Dan!!! Sometimes an old mule needs a kick!
