Sunday, February 20, 2011

Age catching up with you?

Do you remember when you were young and everyone that was an adult seemed old? Now that you are older does everybody seems closer to the same age? I see people I have not seen for years and years and they are suddenly almost the same age as me.  Yet when I was younger, they seemed to be just a child compared to me. Funny how 6,8 or even 10 years seemed a huge difference in age then and now seems like nothing. How often do you see people who now look the same age as their parents do.  They no longer seem like parents and children but more like people of the same age.  I notice daily that my brothers and I are catching up with our mother in age, we get older looking and she seems to look the same.  Why is that?  Is it some cruel twist of fate?  Maybe its life's karma. We feel when we are younger that our parents are ancient and we will never be that old.  God surely has a sense of humor, because not only do we become as ancient as our parents are but we somehow we become close to the same age.  16 and 40 seem worlds away, but 60 and 84 do not seem that far apart. Life's cruel way of sneaking up on us and biting us in the ass.  The elusive numbers......they are back again.......

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