Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Honeymoons over....

Like most honeymoons it was good while it lasted. I should have known how the day was gonna go after it was freezing cold and the heat in my car wouldn't come on as I was going to work.Things went downhill from there. The complaints started early, thus followed up by meetings and alot of paperwork. Seems like everyone pushes the limits of the rules, God forbid someone actually followed them without complaining! Numbers, worked with numbers all afternoon.  So many numbers I felt dizzy. It would be nice if I could make the financial numbers grow, and the weight numbers shrink, if I found the secret to lose weight, I wouldnt have to worry about finances...... America knows people pay to be thin.  Wish there were a trick.  Had a lot of stress today and of course overate. Some people can't eat when they are stressed, or sick or overly happy- unfortunately I am not one of them. Give me chocolate and let my endorphins run wild! Had an email incident with my boss.. again today.  Made me think about the saying are you really listening... or just waiting to speak?  When I first read that a few years ago, it made me pause.. did I really listen to what people were saying?  The answer was not what I expected, no, no I did not.  I spend my time thinking about what I wanted to say, or daydreaming about other things, and then I would frantically try to catch up or try to figure out the conversation.  Reading that quote made me realize how arrogant and selfish I was towards other people and what was important to them.  I was robbing them of their right to respect for having the floor so to speak. Its not that what they are saying may be that important but that they as a person deserve the right to be listened to.  It gave me a new perspective on people.  We all really just want to be heard. Now back to the boss thing. I am fiercely loyal, I work hard and I expect the same from those that work for me.  I try to encourage, help and allow growth with my staff, unfortunately that's not the case with all those in authority.  They tend to cloud every accomplishment with a but... looks good but.. did a good job but.....I appreciate it but.  Its a very arrogant, and self centered  and I would think lonely way to be. To live your life under the assumption that your contribution is needed as the final word to make the outcome of everything you come in contact with better.  I hope I will always continue to learn from others, and value what they contribute.  It takes all of us with all of our vast talents, needs and faults to make this world the never ending roller coaster that allows us to experience and learn from the bad and to relish and continually seek the good. Anyway, off my soap box...  finances took a turn for the worse... unexpected 800.00 decrease in January's income.  I am off to work on my budget........awe to sleep and dream about chocolate I mean carrots ...
And to Nadia repeat after me... the front yard is not a toilet... Its not good to be caught with your pants down on Main Street in the middle of morning rush hour. Remember to put your big girl panties on and keep them up in public! (Now it is about you too!)

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