Whenever I hear the word inspection, it usually invokes anxiety. Inspection of anything means your looking for imperfections. Imperfection....who would want to hear that word.... ever. Our society pushes perfection and nothing short. We have been getting ready for a big inspection at work. Every day brings the inspection closer and the anxiety higher, by the time we reach D-Day we will be wound tighter than a drum. Why do we care so much? Why are we convinced that one left out detail and we will fail the inspection,that doom lies just around the corner? Perfection is the coveted trophy that remains elusively out of reach. Why, because it is completely subjective for the most part. It all depends on who is doing the grading , determining or basically who will be successful at making the cut as determined by the judges. How devastating it can be to feel we have worked to achieve perfection only to find out we fell short. It is human nature to judge more harshly than we would want to be judged. After all someone did give us the "job" of judging, whether it be for pay or by request, and we want to do our best. Which usually means we need to find something imperfect in order to feel we are good at the job of inspecting. Who would need an inspection if they already thought they were perfect? And thus the ugly catch 22, so to speak, rears its ugly head. We need to work to do and be our best, but most of all we need to work on accepting what we have done and feel confident in the result. That way what ever the result of the inspection can be something we chose to change or merely be food for thought.
After all we are only human which is perfection and imperfection rolled into one. Depending on the day, mood,time, and judge perfection is in the eyes of the beholder. So look in the mirror once in a while and smile.
Make Perfection a state of mind and not a destination!
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