Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow Days...........

Today was a bad weather day, the kind as a kid we prayed for, the kind as an adult we dread.  Its funny how quickly things change when you become a grown up. We worry about how will we get to work, who will watch the kids, how we will get home, how much  more heat we are having to use, and many more things, none of which are pleasant. Unless your job gets its revenue from bad weather, we suffer from memory loss about the joy that a snow day used to bring. Nothing is more beautiful than when a snow first falls and its early morning.  It is if time is standing still.  The stillness can be breath taking. The canvas the snow creates allows us to see the beauty of things we tend to take for granted, a cardinal, a deer, the lines of a tree, the layout of the landscape, how it covers all the not so pretty things and makes them look beautiful for a while, its magical. We all need to see the beauty in everything once in a while, it helps to enhance our perspective of the world we live in. There are some of us in the world that can see the beauty in everything all the time, but others of us need a little help. Snow is one of those things that can do that if we let it. Of course we all can argue that soon it becomes nasty, dirty and can hang on long past its welcome, but what can we say that description doesn't apply to sometimes.  The main thing we should try to do is view all things with both visions, good and bad. That span of perspective will take you a lot further in life and give you more unexpected joy than you knew existed. The world is what we make it, and that includes people, places and things. So choose the joy of a snow day that a child sees before you face the reality of going to work in it.............because perspective is the only thing that's going to change the day for you.......

                                                                       No words needed

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